PSPS is a Public Safety Power Shutoff event. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) may do a PSPS when danger of wildfires is high. PSPS Care Coordination is a program to help PG&E customers who have health and medical needs that require electricity.
Care Coordination helps to get a plan in place for resources that can be used during a PSPS power outage event. Callers will receive a follow up call from Connecting Point staff so they can create their plan. The care coordination call will typically take 30-45 minutes.
Who qualifies?
Those who have access & functional needs, and/or are electricity dependent during a power outage (examples include medical equipment or medications that rely on power, accessibility equipment that relies on power, etc).
What is Care Coordination?
Care Coordination helps you create a safety plan by providing information about what to do before, during, and after a power outage. The Care Coordinator can help you:
Web pages