Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC) provides free legal assistance to low-income people who meet eligibility requirements. Services range from referrals to representation, depending upon the client's needs, LSNC priorities, and resources available.
LSNC serves Nevada and Placer counties. Not all services are available in both counties.
LSNC provides counsel, advice, and representation to low-income individuals and seniors involving:
LSNC does NOT take divorce/family law cases, criminal, conservatorship, or small claims cases.
Phone and fax numbers are the same for both offices and are routed through Auburn. Since the Auburn office is closed on Fridays, there is no way to reach the Nevada City office by phone on Fridays even though that office location is open.
Auburn Office:
190 Reamer St., Auburn, CA 95603
Nevada City Office:
204 Providence Mine Rd., Suite 111, Nevada City, CA 95959
Web pages
This is a Ready to Grow (R2G) resource. Ready to Grow is a First 5 Nevada County program to connect children 0-5 with services and information that support their well-being. Organizations with programs that have this R2G tag may have additional programs of interest to families.